My Debt to the Boogeyman

First off, I want to apologize for my lack of posts here. I wrote a great post back in January boasting about the great things I planned on doing this year, including posting on this blog. Unfortunately, life hit pretty hard around these parts and my writing plans were derailed. At any rate, it’s time

A Look at 2018

Here we are, three days into 2018 and it hit me all at once- I haven’t made my “New Year’s Post”, highlighting all of the things I have in store for the upcoming trip around the sun. The funny thing is that I have been so invested in what I plan to do this year

Cturkeyhulu- A Thanksgiving Horror Idea

On one of the Facebook feeds I follow a challenge was issued to create a framework idea for a Thanksgiving horror story. Basically we were tasked with pitching an idea and seeing what other members thought about it. I decided to join in on the fun and went with a silly idea that would make

New Story in When You’re Strange Anthology

I just wanted to make a quick post and let you all know that my story Convincing Vince has been published in the When You’re Strange Anthology now available on Amazon (eBook and paperback)! Convincing Vince was inspired by all of the “ghost light” stories I’ve stumbled across in my own local folklore from South

31 Days of Horror

At the beginning of the month, I decided I would watch at least one horror movie every day for the entire month of October. I wanted to use these viewings in an effort to broaden my mind and see if I would be inspired by any of these movies as it pertains to my writing.