Tag: mike l lane

My Debt to the Boogeyman

First off, I want to apologize for my lack of posts here. I wrote a great post back in January boasting about the great things I planned on doing this year, including posting on this blog. Unfortunately, life hit pretty hard around these parts and my writing plans were derailed. At any rate, it’s time

Cturkeyhulu- A Thanksgiving Horror Idea

On one of the Facebook feeds I follow a challenge was issued to create a framework idea for a Thanksgiving horror story. Basically we were tasked with pitching an idea and seeing what other members thought about it. I decided to join in on the fun and went with a silly idea that would make

31 Days of Horror

At the beginning of the month, I decided I would watch at least one horror movie every day for the entire month of October. I wanted to use these viewings in an effort to broaden my mind and see if I would be inspired by any of these movies as it pertains to my writing.